You don’t want to target people

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You don’t want to target people

Post by ummehany23 »

You don’t want to target people with ads 24/7. Generally, ads that run at late hours, like 11 P.M. to 6 A.M., don’t perform as well because most people sleep during this time. If you run a nighttime business, like a bar, though, you may see success targeting this time frame and less success targeting daylight hours. It’s also the best practice to show ads when your business is open.

For example, if you want more leads to visit your franchise Gambling Data Japan store that’s open until 6 P.M., don’t show ads if it’s 8 P.M. You should only run geofencing ads when your audience can visit your business. This practice will help you save money. You won’t waste time showing ads to leads that can’t visit you. 6. Optimize your campaign No geofencing campaign is perfect.


As you continue to work on your geofencing marketing strategy, you should continue to optimize your campaign. Many companies make the mistake of setting up their fences and never checking back on their performance. When you don’t optimize your geofencing strategies, you risk losing revenue and miss opportunities to reach more leads and capture more sales. When you run a geofencing campaign, monitor its performance, and check out the analytics.
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