Is there any change from working during the day to working at night? Let's see

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Is there any change from working during the day to working at night? Let's see

Post by shahadat668 »

Let's see. How to calculate night bonuses Article 1 of the law states that the workers' rest day pay forms part of the employee's salary. This does not change for night shift workers, who are also entitled to payments. Obviously, the calculation of the weekly paid rest must take into account the night bonus. The calculation mainly involves addition, division and multiplication. I will show you step by step. Step 1: You have to add up the hours spent at normal nights during the month and divide it by the number of working days; Step 2: Multiply by the number of Sundays and holidays; Step 3: Multiply by the normal hourly wage; Step 4: Multiply by the proportion of the night bonus. This may seem like a huge bill, but if you want to know more about the calculation, we have another article that can help you, just click on the link above. Now I want to discuss another topic with you, knowing that additional expenses cause a lot of questions, so now that you know almost everything about night bonuses, I will answer the most common questions.

Frequently Asked Questions about Night Surcharge How many hours can you work at night? For this question, we must comply with the legal provisions for employee journeys. It is stipulated that the daily working day shall not exceed 1 France Phone Number 2 hours. The same situation applies to night workers, the only difference is that a few minutes are deducted from the night working time, which is equivalent to 12 hours and 12 minutes. When should the night surcharge be paid? As we can see, the night shift starts at 12:00 p.m. on the first day and ends at 12:00 a.m. on the second day. Any journeys made during this period are subject to the night surcharge. Another issue to remember here is that the night bonus is incorporated into the employee's salary, rather than being paid separately. What is fictitious time or reduced night time? Article 1, paragraph 1, deals with night time and reads as follows: Article 1 - Night working time is calculated in minutes and seconds. This is a fictitious time, which means that night workers will work minutes less than daytime workers, but for calculation purposes, the hour will be considered full.


You might think that calculating the nightly premium is too complicated, but now that you know everything, it's easier, right? There is also a way to make it even easier. Convenient calculation of nighttime premium with shift control Now I want to tell you something very important. It is impossible to calculate the nighttime premium without working time control. You may not believe it, but sometimes this calculation turns out to be wrong. That is, the company made a mistake and ended up underpaying its employees. One day, it may face a lawsuit and the cost will be times higher. Or, if the company paid more in any way, it will suffer losses. Whether it is immediately or in the long term, one thing is certain, as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. With shift control, you can easily get the exact night working time, so you can easily make the correct calculation.
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