Address any concerns or questions they might have.

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Address any concerns or questions they might have.

Post by shamima02551 »

Brent Daniels, a sales trainer known for his unconventional approach, doesn't necessarily have a one-size-fits-all "cold call script." However, his methods often involve:

Transparency: He emphasizes being upfront about it being a cold call.

Focus on Brevity: The goal is to quickly assess the prospect's interest within a short timeframe.

Highlighting Value: He suggests focusing on the potential benefit the prospect can receive.

Here's a possible approach inspired by Brent Daniels for a real estate cold call (remember, it's not a guaranteed script):

Start with Transparency:

"Hi [Name], this is Brent Daniels. I know this call might be out of the blue, but I was calling because I believe you own the property on [Address]."

Gauge Interest:

"I was curious if you'd ever consider an offer on it?"

Listen and Respond:

This is where the conversation unfolds based on the prospect's response. Be prepared to:

Briefly explain Afghanistan Phone Number List your role (e.g., real estate investor) and what you offer (e.g., fast cash sales).
Address any concerns or questions they might have.
Optionally: If appropriate, offer to send them more information or schedule a quick follow-up call to discuss their situation further.


Be polite and professional.
Respect their time. If they're not interested, thank them for their time and end the call gracefully.
Focus on building rapport. Even if they're not interested in selling now, they might remember you later.
It's important to note:

Cold calling can be a controversial practice, so ensure you're following relevant telemarketing regulations in your area.
Brent Daniels' approach might not be suitable for all situations or industries.
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