What Is the Role of the Online Teacher

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What Is the Role of the Online Teacher

Post by devielthan20 »

For many years, the main function of the teacher was to be responsible for the distribution of knowledge, since he was considered the sole holder of all information. However, little by little, societies began to realize that it was much more interesting to promote the participation of all those involved in the teaching and learning process. With this interaction, students can share their knowledge and the teacher's role is to mediate the discussions generated in the educational environment. With distance education , that role is no different. In addition, there is still a belief that the figure of the teacher is no longer essential in online teaching. But the truth is that he plays an important role: uniting knowledge, technology and students.

If you still have doubts about the role of the online teacher, see in this post what the role of the teacher is in an EAD course. The role of the teacher Whether you are an online or face-to-face teacher, there are some common functions. share knowledge The first and most well-known function of the teacher is to share what he knows with the students. In a classroom or in an online course, the teacher must be a specialist in his sector to be able to share his knowledge in a complete way to all those who Beli Database Email & Buat Daftar Email Dengan Cepat seek that knowledge. Now, don't think that it's just about knowing everything about the subject you want to teach. That's not enough to be successful as a teacher! A good teacher is one who manages to transmit his knowledge to other people in a clear and didactic way. Instruct Even if you develop your classes very well, it is possible that some doubts arise throughout the course.

For this reason, another function of the teacher is to know how to instruct his students and answer all the questions that arise. And even if you don't know all the answers, it is the tutor's role to be informed in order to help the students in the best possible way. Another way to educate is to encourage people to seek knowledge from other sources. But remember to show that all research must be done with a critical eye and that the argumentative analysis must always be taken into consideration. Arouse the interest of the students The classes must be interesting to the point of awakening in the students the desire to want to continue learning, especially when we talk about online courses. In a conventional classroom, the teacher needs to keep the student's attention to avoid distractions that make them lose focus on learning. Because they are physically
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