What Is the Organizational Climate

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What Is the Organizational Climate

Post by devielthan20 »

Regardless of the size of your company, it is important to know that every company must maintain a good relationship with its employees. The reason for this premise is that in this way you manage to provide an attractive environment for the development of work, with which the team increases its productivity. And the better the employee's perception of their work environment, the better the results. That is why, despite being a relatively new concept, the study of organizational climate is standing out and is a trend in the business world. So, are you an entrepreneur and want to know how to create a pleasant environment for those who work with you? Join us, because in this post we will explain everything about organizational climate!

Organizational climate concept In general terms, the organizational climate can be seen as the existing perception within the company regarding the work environment. Each employee has an awareness of the organizational quality level of the place where he works. From internal surveys you have the possibility of measuring people's satisfaction and having an idea of ​​the climate in your email database company. The organizational climate defines the quality of the employee experience and draws a very clear psychological profile, despite being momentary. In this sense, the perception of employees can improve or worsen depending on the internal practices put into practice. This fluctuation in the organizational climate forces managers and administrators to constantly look for ways to probe the situation of the company. On the other hand, a negative organizational

The main one, which we already mentioned above, is the loss of productivity of the employees, who begin to work less due to the lack of motivation to carry out daily activities. This decrease in production can go hand in hand with a large number of dismissals, which, in turn, creates a negative internal atmosphere that makes employees feel insecure and worried about the future. Also, employees who remain in the company suffer negative consequences. It is possible that the environment is more prone to conflict, mistrust and small behavioral deviations. We already know that much of the stress experienced by modern society is due to conflictive environments. Therefore, nothing is worse than a company that stimulates discord instead of consensus and cooperation among its employees. Another serious consequence of a negative organizational climate is the absence of leadership. At the end of the day, it is difficult to lead and inspire a team that is divided, mistrustful and unmotivated to do quality work. Finally, all these problems can be felt more significantly in the pocket, since, as a consequence of a bad climate, the company's results fall sharply and may even face a certain stagnation.
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