Step by Step to Improve Your Organic

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Step by Step to Improve Your Organic

Post by devielthan20 »

Promoting and disseminating your business on social networks is almost a rule if you want to boost your sales and make your brand better known. But have you noticed that the organic reach of your Facebook posts is declining? This is a common pain of those who work with outreach on Facebook and there are several reasons that explain the decline in organic reach. To contextualize, I want to cite two reasons that I consider most relevant in this scenario. The first is the sheer volume of content that is posted daily on social media. Disputing the attention of your followers with varied issues, from different segments and conquering a "Like" or a comment becomes a more difficult mission. The second reason is the most obvious. Facebook makes money from paid ads . That is why, in some way, the social network wants you to realize the need to boost your posts. It is worth remembering that investing in ads is important even to oxygenate your organic reach. But it is not the only way. In this post, I am going to present you with some tips and new content trends that will increase the organic reach of your page on Facebook. In our Hotmart Tips series we have a video that can help you better understand the new Facebook changes and how to use them to your advantage to sell more. Understand the Facebook algorithm How does Facebook determine what appears on each user's wall? What type of content is most valued? What is more relevant: a post with more likes or more comments?

To answer these questions, we need to understand the algorithm of the social network. It is this who analyzes and determines what is most relevant to Facebook. But, after all, what is the algorithm? Facebook's algorithm is known as EdgeRank. This is a resource used to understand which is the most relevant post for the user while they are accessing that social network. Imagine that phone number database you are a fan of vintage cars and you follow pages that deal with this subject, but only posts related to cooking appear in your feed. Would you still spend time there? Probably not. Therefore, EdgeRank filters the information that it considers most important for each user. If the user accesses the content they like the most, they will undoubtedly feel like staying longer on the social network. And that's what Facebook wants. So, to improve the organic reach results of your business, it is essential to understand how EdgeRank works . The rules of the algorithm change frequently, so my suggestion is to always update yourself on the topic. In official events and documents, Facebook offers a lot of information about how the algorithm works.

The social network wants content creators to know what is relevant, to improve the posts or publications that are shared. Thus, the user feed can be increasingly attractive. After you understand EdgeRank better, you will have more ideas for your posts. The next challenge is: what is relevant to my target audience? Define the buyer persona of your audience It is the buyer person who can tell you more precisely what type of content you should post on your Facebook. Understanding what your customer's pain points are and how your business can help them is critical to your digital marketing strategy. Precisely for this reason, creating the buyer persona for your business is a challenge and requires a lot of research. Facebook Audience Insights is a tool that helps understand the demographics and preferences of the public on the social network. However, it is important to understand that with it we can have some insights, that is, induce the behavior of the public. It is here that many people make mistakes.
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