What Is Video Marketing

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What Is Video Marketing

Post by devielthan20 »

It's not uncommon to come across video marketing approaches as a separate strategy, but any video in digital marketing , content marketing , ad , or in a sales funnel is video marketing . It's that simple. So, if you don't already know these terms, click on the links above to study a little about each topic and also about marketing in general. This way you will understand more clearly how videos can fit into your planning. For those who are already familiar with the topics mentioned, here, we are going to explore a little the general possibilities of using video, so that you better understand what it means to use them in your marketing strategies. In addition, we will introduce some platform options for ads. We hope that with this post, you will understand that video by itself does not solve the problem, and it is not always the best option, despite all the importance given to this format. Why are videos so important? This special attention to the matter is a consequence of the importance that these media have been gaining. In addition to YouTube, the videos flooded platforms and networks initially focused on other media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp and Linkedin. This is not surprising if we consider the technological evolution of the last 10 years. It is getting easier to produce and consume videos.

Filming, editing and accessing this type of content from a mobile phone has become an ordinary reality. With videos, it is possible to transmit a lot of information not only through the image itself, but also through the use of audio, music, lyrics and animations, for example. With so many stimuli, it is easier to attract the viewer's attention and, consequently, engage and generate engagement . Also, since we are human, nothing more natural than interpreting speech intonations, facial and body expressions. The mobile phone number list personality of the person presenting the video is much more evident. Moving images also bring, in addition to textual information, an infinity of other signals that communicate with the viewer, these range from the way they dress to the stage presented. In fact, it has been claimed that 80% of web traffic will be generated by videos , although this information leads to a bit of misinterpretation,

possibilities. We are not going to go into details, because if you are interested in the digital market, even if you are just starting out, surely you consume many videos daily and you already know the power of webinars, video classes, sales videos, video ads, vlogs, etc. What many people do not realize is that, in marketing, the message , the moment and the place where what you want to convey is inserted is what makes all the difference. It doesn't matter if we talk about video, text, audio, static image or face-to-face communication, you must be clear about the message you want to convey. In other words, your video marketing is not going to be useful if you do not have a clear purpose, if you are not focused on the correct audience and if you do not present a good text - more specifically a good copy and content (script) -, although be a very well produced video, with beautiful images and a great presentation. Why not use videos all the time? Traditional text is not being replaced by videos, but is increasingly being incorporated and adapted.
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