That They Do Not Sell You a Cat for a Hare

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That They Do Not Sell You a Cat for a Hare

Post by devielthan20 »

Ever since optimizations, penalties, and algorithm updates became popular in digital marketing, we've heard a lot about SEO — a technique that frequently changes and adds new rules. With so many theories and practices, SEO myths arose, causing real confusion for those just looking for a way to rank their site or blog on the first page of Google. In this article, I am going to tell you about the 7 most popular myths and how they actually work. Accompany me! 1. It is easy and fast to reach the top positions of Google Many people believe that it is possible to reach the top positions quickly. But one of the main features of the optimization strategy is the need for time to demonstrate expressive results. Even if you choose the best of the keywords , if your website or blog does not have a good reputation,

the link building does not work, or it does not have a responsive web design, for example, it will hardly reach the top of the search engines. SEO has various techniques that require effort and dedication. In content marketing , we can mention the use of satellite content and the frequency of publication as fundamentals that also influence positioning. All this requires some time, in addition to an almost daily commitment. So if you want to establish yourself at the top of Google, you will have to be patient (and persistent!). 2. Content loses quality when optimized In the Jurassic times of Google, a practice became quite common: black hat SEO. It basically consisted of filling the site with techniques to deceive the search engine. One example was keyword spamming, the practice of stuffing and repeating keywords throughout content. Black hat SEO was responsible for the emergence of a lot of superfluous and worthless content on the web. And for those unaware of good SEO practices, optimization may seem similar. However, the use of SEO does not mean that your content will lose its value. It is possible to buy email database work on the optimization without affecting the quality of the text. Following the example of keywords, in some cases, your keyword can be cited only 3 times in your content, and still achieve a good result, without affecting the structure and meaning of your text. Always stay up to date on SEO standards and best practices to find the balance between SEO and quality. 3. Keywords are irrelevant Yes, it is true that search engines consider many other factors to position content in addition to the keyword. Even so, it continues to be the center of the SEO strategy, since it is the element used by users to carry out their research and the easiest way to respond to their needs. Besides, Google didn't make search terms irrelevant, it's just smarter and can now send different results to the user, according to their research. For example, if I search for futsal, Google understands that I am referring to futsal and will show me results for this term as well. An investigation using a certain keyword no longer corresponds to a unique and exclusive result for it. But that does not mean that keywords do not

continue to play a fundamental role. Get to know some SEO routines that you could implement! 4. The bigger the content, the better Quantity is not synonymous with quality, surely you have heard this phrase before. Too long content has nothing to do with search engine positioning. Great content is only justified if it has value, or in other words, if everything in it provides the information the user needs and makes sense. Word count is by no means a ranking factor, even if you can say the same thing in lesser content, do so. A smaller, concise, objective and well-explanatory content can be much more pleasing to users and, consequently, to Google. Ideally, you should produce content that is relevant to your audience, regardless of their size. 5. Once you conquer the first position, you never lose it again Those of us who work with content marketing would like this to be true among the myths of SEO. The reality is that you can create super content, apply the best SEO techniques and reach the top of Google, but nothing guarantees that you will stay there for a long time. This happens because your competitors will constantly be creating new content or even improving and optimizing what they already have published. Another reason may be that perhaps the article you wrote a year ago is already out of date. This is especially the case with content on topics that are constantly developing, such as technology
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