This means that when

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This means that when

Post by mstfzrw028 »

The frequency of publications, the allowable amount of advertising, and most importantly, what exactly will advertise. For example, a health food blog clearly cannot advertise alcoholic beverages. A vegetarian profile should not include advertisements for meat products, etc. Stay connecte with your followers. You nee to communicate with subscribers, respond to their comments, ban aggressive users, conduct story polls, regularly post new posts with quality content.

All of these activities will ensure public participation. the page owner places an advertisement, he will definitely read it. Find a permanent advertiser. Collaborating with someone on an ongoing basis Phone Number List is more profitable than looking for a new offer every time. Search ads from advertisers are place in specialize services. The actions are not that difficult. The main thing is perseverance! How much money can you make on Instagram.


There is no definite answer to this question. The final income of the account depends on how you earn and on the number of subscribers. But if we talk about averages, which are quite realistic to achieve, the overall picture is as follows Blogging from rubles for commercial post. Account promotion from rubles for project. Earnings from comments, likes, subscriptions no more than rubles per day. Affiliate programs rubles from the sale of product, etc.
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